
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

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6" Vinyl "Connie", one of Dawn's best friends, by Topper. She has painted features, and hold her baton.  All original in her Majorette ouftit, MIB, with wrist tag. Circa 1971

Thirstee Cry Baby

I was given my grandmothers doll like this. I remember playing with her when I would visit in the summer as a little girl. My doll is a little different as her eyes are golden brown and her speaker box is long gone. :(

This darling little baby has a unique original feature. You insert a “D” size battery in the compartment in her back and flip a switch and she starts crying until you insert a bottle into her mouth that pushes a little lever to make her stop crying and start cooing and making happy sounds.

HEIGHT: 20 Inches
BODY: Hard plastic, speaker grille in front, battery compartment in back
LIMBS: Hard vinyl arms & legs, bent baby legs, not a walker
HEAD: Softer vinyl, open bottle mouth w/shut off mechanism
HAIR: Rooted short sandy brown hair w/bangs
EYES: Open/close blue sleep eyes, rooted upper lashes
JOINTS: Flange neck, arms, legs

MANUFACTURER: Horsman Dolls Inc;
YEAR(S): 1962
MARKINGS: Back of neck: Horsman Dolls Inc./©1962/No.2000,
on battery compartment: C1962/Prod Des & Dev Corp/Beverly Hills Calif/U.S. & Foreign PAT PEND/Made in U.S.A.
NAME GIVE BY MFG: Thirstee Cry Baby